We will have breeding stock listed here as we have them available. They will be healthy, with no known issues. If you have any questions, please get in touch; we love to talk about our sheep!
We take very seriously the ethical sales of breeding animals, as that informs the future of the breed specifically, and sheep in general, so we will not sell registered animals that do not adhere to the breed standard, nor will we sell animals that have known health or structural problems.
We are taking reservations for Texel/Finnsheep lambs born spring 2024. They promise to bring muscularity and prolificacy to your flock. They also are thrifty and parasite resistant. We track birth weights, weight gain, parasite resistance, and more, so if you are looking for something specific, we can provide the details to help find your preferred animals.
We have 7 crossbred ewes and 4 crossbred ewe lambs(born spring 2023) available. They were all exposed to a Texel ram in October, so are due in March 2024. All except two are Texel/Finn crosses and were born in 2021 and 2022. The two outliers are Finn/Shetlands and were born in 2019. Everyone has been perfect mothers, raising chunky lambs, needing little to no deworming, rotationally grazed all summer so accustomed to electronet, and used to following the shepherd with grain in a bucket. Docile, and easy to work with. Asking $250 each. We have decided to focus more on our purebred stock, so are reducing our numbers. If you have questions, or want detailed information on the ewes, get in touch! I keep records of numbers of lambs born to each ewe, any complications, birthweights, weaning weights, and any medical interventions needed for each sheep in general.